Travels with Thoreau: About this Site

     ~ Following in the Footsteps of Henry David Thoreau ~


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About this Site

In the third paragraph of Walden, Henry Thoreau admitted, "I have traveled a good deal in Concord," his hometown in Massachusetts. Here he was being truthful and yet modest. Yes, he had walked in just about every space in the 25 square mile town. He also frequented the towns surrounding Concord -- Acton, Carlisle, Bedford, Lincoln, Sudbury, and Assabet Village [now present-day Maynard] -- either as he ran errands, conducted property surveys, gave lectures, or sauntered or paddled for personal exploration.

But his excursions took him farther away from Concord and even from those towns on more than 150 occasions. (See the timeline.)  On this site, we'll explore some of the same places that Thoreau did, as he walked, paddled, or rode into other parts of New England and beyond.

This information was compiled by Corinne H. Smith. Additions are welcomed!


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2018 Corinne H. Smith